We all know about what the options are for compliance with the 0.5% global sulphur cap in 2020.
It’s all anyone is talking about.
What no one has actually done is drill down into the detail to define a proper post-2020 fuel procurement strategy. What ship owners, operators and fuel buyers really need is a solution! But to do this, they need to look into the future to see what the financial and operational impact of the new regs will be on their businesses. If they have this, they can then define the most cost effective and efficient compliance strategy. Most importantly, they need to start doing this now.

That’s why 20|20 Marine Energy has partnered with maritime software experts BunkerMetric, to bring to market the first predictive analysis technology for 2020 compliance; the 2020 SEER (Sulphur Emissions Evaluation and Risk management) software.
With two core modules, SEER enables ship owners, operators and fuel buyers to:
- Optimize current bunker procurement spend, minimize fuel costs and create the best pre-2020 procurement strategy
- Understand the financial and operational impact of 0.5% global sulphur cap from 1.1.20 (based on the current optimal pre-2020 spend)
- Simulate different compliance solutions on a vessel-by-vessel basis to define the most effective strategy to minimize costs, mitigate risks and ensure compliance
- Use on-going analysis to ensure continual cost and risk management.
Using advanced mathematical modelling and analytics, SEER can predict future fuel prices, availability forecasts as well as spreads, so users can see the true impact of the global sulphur cap, as well as the best and worst case scenarios. It’s intuitive software, so it’s constantly updated and can be manipulated in line with changes to current and future fuel prices at different ports, as well as global and regional supply and demand scenarios, and a host of other factors. SEER can be operated via a web portal or as a dashboard within the user’s systems infrastructure, and can be built on a bespoke basis to reflect specific trading routes, vessel and fleet dynamics etc.